How to Make Your Content Work For You

The digital space is one of the most competitive, yet, necessary spaces to be in.  If you’re new to using social media for your business, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out how your business can stand out among a sea of others like you. Don’t let this deter you from building your presence though, because it is by far one of the best ways to reach and connect with your current customers and prospective customers. 

If you’re wondering how you can create content that converts readers into buyers and build a solid brand presence, read on!

What content works best?

It’s easy to get caught up thinking about what you can do to get the most return on the content that you put out, but ultimately you want to make sure that it is always unique, geared towards your target audience and engaging.  There are several ways you can stay connected with your audience that include but are not limited to Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Video, SEO, and Personalized Content Marketing.

Content Marketing has been proven to get three times the leads of paid search advertising. The content that you produce is a powerful tool that allows you to engage with your customers before they purchase from you.

Tip: The more personalized your content is, the better!

Mobile Marketing helps you to reach your target audience on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets through things like apps, social media, websites, email, etc.  

More than 70% of traffic happens via mobile devices so it is important that your efforts are optimized on mobile. If you have a mobile site that allows users to address questions and concerns easily, you’re that much more likely to turn them from viewers to buyers. 

Tip: Make sure that your content is easy to read and loads quickly on mobile devices. Don’t forget to test anything that you create online to ensure that it is optimized for both mobile and desktop.

Video Marketing has taken the reins as King and is being rewarded on all platforms - meaning that the more videos you create the higher your chances are of being seen. We see it EVERYWHERE on social media; Instagram Reels, Tik Toks, etc. Even Facebook is testing out a new feature similar to Instagram’s reels videos.The point is: If you aren’t implementing videos into your marketing strategy, it’s time! Social media and watching videos are the two most popular internet activities and videos will continue to dominate as a top marketing trend in 2021. 

Tip: Content that is or includes videos is statistically proven to increase the time that your visitors are spending on your site or platform and videos tend to help your viewer get a better understanding of your product or service.

SEO is another important factor in your content marketing strategy. While SEO is nothing new, trends suggest that your content should be highly optimized to answer the users specific questions and the context behind it. Since more than half of all website traffic comes from organic search results, try implementing key snippets into your article that summarize the answer for your reader. 

Tip: Don’t forget to use SEO keywords in your website’s metadata to boost your visibility in search engines. 

Marketing Personalization. Remember when we mentioned that the more personalized your content is, the better? Your readers want a more personalized experience with your content, meaning they don’t want to see the same things over and over in generic messaging. Your messaging should be speaking to a targeted niche audience and should be created around their specific needs. This means creating more content with more variations and tailored messaging. 

Tip: If you are struggling to keep up with the demand, hire an experienced copywriter who can generate personalized content for you.

The Benefits of Good Copywriting

Copywriting is the foundation of a solid marketing strategy. When you have the right messaging that’s presented in the right way to your audience, it will help your business stand out in the sea of competitors. 

Content marketing is 3x more effective at generating leads and provides a better ROI than paid search advertising.

Surveys show that when it relates to the digital space, the most effective marketing channels are through Video, Email, Content Marketing, Social Media, and SEO.

A common trend between the various findings? They all involve copywriting! 

It has been shown that email marketing can bring in some amazing results as it relates to ROI.  In fact, Campaign Monitor has disclosed that it can be as high as 4400%. To paint a better picture, that means that for every dollar spent on email marketing, you could be seeing a return of around $44.

When we consider the effectiveness of social media marketing it is important to remember that the average user spends about 2.5 or more hours on social media a day.  Because they spend so long on these platforms it opens up a world of opportunity for you to get your products or services in front of the right faces.

Another benefit of using a good copywriter is their ability to optimize the content for SEO. When done right, SEO allows for your audience to actively find you versus you going out and finding them.

The best way to make your content work for you is to be smart in how you leverage you. Utilize the platforms that will produce the best ROI and commit to creating a consistent and valuable presence. And, if you find yourself struggling with what content to create or keeping up with the high-demands involved in content marketing, hire a good copywriter!

Click here to schedule a call to chat about how we can work together for your copy needs.